Just a reminder that graduation will be live streamed tonight on Facebook. Go to the Simsboro webpage to find the link or go to the Lincoln Parish School Board Facebook page. Graduation will start at 7pm.
Join us for our Graduation Ceremony at the link below tonight at 7:00 P.M.:
Amid the ongoing public health crisis, Louisiana has been approved for the new Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) program. This program will provide extra help buying groceries for the families of the more than 600,000 children who normally receive free and reduced-price meals at school.
Eligible families who complete an online application will be issued a P-EBT debit card by the Louisiana
Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to access benefits. The P-EBT card will function like a standard EBT card, and the same guidelines will apply. Families will receive $285 in total P-EBT benefits per child. Unused benefits will roll over month to month and must be used within 365 days.
Use the following link to access the Information and Application: https://5il.co/g6mu
Parents of Junior's: Thursday, May 14th at 5:00 we will have a drive through class ring ceremony. Families may get together and take their own pictures after the drive through. Students will receive their ring, a cookie bag and a certificate. Please drive through the front of the school where the buses pick up and drop off.
Parents of Graduating Students:
There will be a MANDATORY parent meeting for graduating students tomorrow at 11:00am to discuss the graduation ceremony.
Meeting ID: 653-122-7746
Click https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6531227746?pwd=Z3ZNQnpTZ3dlOXk4U0t2VkdidC9Ddz09
Elementary packets are available at the school today. You must turn in a completed packet before picking up a new one. Thank you!
Today is the last day to clean out lockers and pick up student belongs for all grades. Please make every effort to stop by before six o'clock this evening!
This is a reminder about cleaning out lockers and returning materials to teachers this week from 3:00-6:00 P.M., Monday through Wednesday. If you are sick or not feeling well please DO NOT come to the school. If you are sick and unable to come, please call the school and we will pack up your child's belongings to be picked up at a later time.
The pick up schedule is as follows:
Monday, April 27th – 7th and 10th grades
Tuesday, April 28th – 8th and 12th grades
Wednesday, April 29th – 9th and 11th grades
6th grade students may come any of these days as well as anyone picking up for elementary.
Elementary Parents:
Monday, April 27th - Wednesday, April 29th from 3:00 until 6:00 we would like someone from each family to come by and pick up your child's remaining belongings and supplies.
6-12 Parents and Students,
I know that most of you have things in your locker that you need to pick up and/or return to a teacher. We will use the following schedule for you to come up to the school to empty your locker and return items:
Monday, April 27th – grades 7 and 10
Tuesday, April 28th – grades 8 and 12
Wednesday, April 29th – grades 9 and 11
The time will be from 3:00 until 6:00 P.M. each of those days.
Sixth graders, if you have something you need to return to a teacher, you can come up to the school during the above listed times and drop off school materials.
We will have someone at the front door and will only allow 10 people in the building at a time. Trashcans will be available for any trash and a table set up for you to return any materials that need to be returned.
Anything that is left in a locker after Wednesday, April 29th will be considered trash and will be thrown away.
Thanks, Mr. Farrar
Parents of K-5 Students: new packets are available for pickup at the school. YOU MUST TURN IN A COMPLETED PACKET BEFORE PICKING UP A NEW ONE. Please have your child's name on the packet.
To: Parents/Guardians
From: Mike Milstead
Date: April 10, 2020
Use the following link for the latest update concerning Lincoln Parish Schools. https://5il.co/ez14
Please disregard the message sent about Spring Pictures
This is a REMINDER:
Thursday, April 9th is PICTURE DAY.
Portraits Plus will be at your school taking "Spring Portraits". Please return the prepay envelope with your background and package choices.
Please dress appropriately and bring your best smile!
The City of Ruston is partnering with Lincoln Parish Schools by inviting students who need access to WiFi to park in our Historic Fire Station, Civic Center, and Sports Complex parking lots to utilize free WiFi. Please see details for each location below.
Parking lot of City Hall (signal is strongest on the north side of the building).
WiFi name: Public WiFi
Parking lot of Historic Fire Station
WiFi name: Public WiFi
Parking lot Sports Complex “B” Dixie parking lot
WiFi name: Ruston Sports Complex
Parking lot of Sports Complex “C” Softball/Tennis
WiFi name: City of Ruston Wireless WiFi
Parents and Students: The city has free wi-fi at the city hall parking lot, old fire station parking lot, as well as the sports complex parking lots.
We also now have wi-fi in RHS,CHS, and SHS parking lots.
All of our teachers are working diligently to prepare online resources for your children.
Elementary Parents: Teacher pages for Elementary teachers were created today and teachers are doing their best to add content quickly. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
For students lacking adequate internet access at home, wireless is now set up at all school sites for students to connect with their personal devices. They can now sit in the parking lot of the schools in a vehicle and connect to the Lincoln Student wireless network by typing in their email address and password that they would use to log into a Chromebook. Students don't have to go to their school, they can connect at any of our sites. If you choose this route, please make sure you continue to observe the District's Acceptable Use Policy for Students and also continue to observe all COVID-19 precautions such as social distancing.
Hello Simsboro Family. I hope all is well with you and yours. A few reminders for you. Lunches can be picked up 9:30-11:00 every day this week except for Friday and on Mondays and Wednesdays starting next week. Junior high and high school students, please check the school website under the news tab for some important information from your teachers. Families that do not have internet access, paper packets for all grades will be available to be picked up. Elementary packets can be picked up at the front of the school by the main entrance under the camera. Junior high and high school packets can be picked up in the lunch line. Paper packets will be available starting on Wednesday. We miss you guys so much. Stay safe. And GO TIGERS!! Thanks RF
Elementary Parents: Packets will be available for students starting Wednesday. These packets are ONLY for students who do not have internet access. They will will be sitting under the camera at the front of the school. Again, these packets are in limited supply and are only for students who do not have access to the internet.